my favorite cookbooks

A few of my favorites.


Beranbaum, Rose Levy. The Pie and Pastry Bible.

Bittman, Mark. How to Cook Everything.

Child, Julia. Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

David, Elizabeth. French Country Cooking.

Davidson, Alan. The Oxford Companion to Food.

–. Seafood: A Connoisseur’s Guide and Cookbook.

Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh. The River Cottage Meat Book.

Fisher, MFK. The Art of Eating.

McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking.

Olney, Richard. Simple French Food.

Point, Fernand. Ma Gastronomie.

Stewart, Martha. Martha Stewart’s Hors D’Oeuvres Handbook.

Waters, Alice. The Art of Simple Food.



Blumenthal, Heston. The Big Fat Duck Cookbook.

Bras, Michel. Essential Cuisine.

Lowinsky, Ruth. Lovely Food.

Müller, Dieter. Dieter Müller.



Herter, George Leonard. Bull Cook and Authentic Historical Recipes and Practices.


Of Historical Interest

Marinetti, Fillippo Tommaso. The Futurist Cookbook. Trans. Suzanne Brill.